L’économie mondiale 2008

964 mots 4 pages
“L’économie mondiale 2008”, CEPII According to the IMF’s World Economic Outlook, “globalization is the growing interdependence of countries world-wide through the increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions in goods and services and of international capital flows, and also through the more rapid and widespread diffusion of technology”. The processus of globalization should lead to free trade zones caracterized by a reduction, even elimination, of tariffs and all other markets barrier. A free trade market must in the end be caracterized by a free goods, capital and human traffic. In order to deal with the position of the Eurozone into the globalization’s phenomenon, let us answer some particular questions. How should France best respond to the challenges and opportunities of globalization? France belongs to the Eurozone. Therefore it is very concerned by globalization. However, it generally sees globalization as a politic issue, aim, which is necessary to fight against. Anyway, there is the paradox that “France is both resisting globalization (sometimes loudly) and adapting to”. Nevertheless, France benefits from a profitable place within the Eurozone. Indeed France benefits from several strengths which provide to it this particular place. France has advantages on the international scene and should be able to face the international competition. Thus, the French (but also Europea) issue deals with adapting itself to the new rules of the globalization by keeping its comfortable labor force and its social benefits. First of all, The country has a quite high level of technological development and a good Research and Development industry. The aerospace industry with Airbus is a good example. However, since few years France is loosing market shares facing new world competitors (e.g. in the computing and high technology, but also in manufacturing such as the textile industry). Today France must face new strong competitors,

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