
771 mots 4 pages
La fin de l'Apartheid
Henceforth we know that the end of Apartheid was officially pronounced by Nelson Mandela in 1994. South Africa has really forgotten? What are the consequences of this period?
I wondered these questions before coming, during last weeks I gave myself an account of Apartheid has consequences in spirits and habits of South Africans.
Divisions of Whites and Blacks are presents in the way of life of Africans. My first observation was the social division. Indeed the majority of White people have a better social level than Black people. Many of them have their own hotels and shops whereas Blacks are employees. Townships which were created during Apartheid are always very populated. They are not use to go in the same places; it’s not common to see a White in a bar. Divisions are present also in friendly relationship. Last week, Sophie and I went to shopping when we met a Zulu colleague, who said us friendly “hello”, cashiers were surprised to see us speaking together.
In the hotel, there are fewer differences because my employers adopted Zulu children. It is one of rare times that I see Whites and Blacks rub shoulders with each other so intimate
Apartheid was important in my relationship at work. It was difficult to be integrated well because we had to show my colleagues that they could trust us and that we were equal. There was a kind of mistrust which seemed natural because they observed us a lot and they spoke only about work.
In addition to Apartheid, Whites and Blacks don’t have the same culture, which accent the difference.
However we can notice that globalization helped Whites and Blacks to be closer with each other (as the World Cup 2010) because they have more common cultural references. There is a paradox, discrimination begin to be beneficial, we call it positive discrimination which consist on hiring Black people.
Habits of South African need time to change because their consequences are important for Whites and Blacks who still

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