
502 mots 3 pages
The song is W O N D E R F U L, i advise everybody to hear it, thanks for introducing it, such a cool song, for real, the song is by a woman & man:

He says:

كن منصفاً سيدي القاضي
Be fair my lord judge
ذنبي انا رجل له ماضي
My crime is that i have a long history
تلك التي امامك الان
That girl which in front of you right now
كانت لدي اعز انسانه
Was the best person for me
واحببتها وهي احبتني i loved her & she loved me
صدقاً جميع الهم انستني
For real she made me forget the all problems
صارحتهاوقلت مولاتي
I honestly told her "my lord"
كثيره كانت علاقاتي
My relationships was to much (with women)
قالت دع الماضي وقبلني
She said keep us from the past and kiss me
بين ذراعيك انا الكل فانا لي الحاضر والاتي؟
Between your arms because i only think about the present & the future

She says:

كن منصفاً ياسيدي القاضي
Be fair my lord judge
تخونني لغتي والفاظي
My language & says betrays me
انا الذي امامك الان
The man who is in front of you now
اشبعني ظلما وحرمانا
He made me full of the injustice & deprivation
انا حالة فعلا لها يرثى
I am a case who really we can yortha (means that she is died while she's alive)
حتى نسيت انني انثى
So i even forgot that i am a female
دللتها .. دللتني i loved her...she loved me
دمرتني انت اهملتني انت
You detroyed me, you left me
انت عذابي ونسيت قسوته
You're my pain which i forgot how painful it is
وقلت له حبيبي دع الماضي
And i told him, my beloved keep the past
وقبلني بين ذراعيك
And kiss me between your arms
انا الكل وانا لي الحاضر والاتي
I am the all & i am your present & future

He says:

مر الزمان .. تغيرت تغيرت
By the time, She's changed
تمردت .. تجبرت .. تكبرت
She revolted, she became stronger.., she became snooty
صبري الجميل تجاوز الصبر
My great patience had been more than patience
لغة الحوار تحولت جمرا
The discussing language has been converted into stones
فان راتني جنبها سارحا
So when she saw me away (mean my mind is away)
فورا تصير امرأة اخرى
Directly she

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