Disney rivalry

377 mots 2 pages
V- Competitive Rivalry & Competitive Dynamics a- Rivalry There was a time when Disney had a monopoly on animated films. It was the golden age of Bambi, Pinocchio and other Beauty and the Beast. Today things have changed. Indeed, several studios of animated films have emerged. One of them is DreamWorks Animation, Disney biggest competitor in that field. DreamWorks has been responsive to the market request and has revolutionized the style. Which enables them to take market share from Disney Studios on its own ground. The style is new, the films are no longer addressed only to children but also to the children of the Disney generation who grew up: adolescents, young adults and parents find in the animation a completely different energy. The humor is offbeat, the anachronisms are connected and the parodies are fashionable. Unlike, Disney with the dream of the Prince Charming on his white horse. Today, the handsome prince is called Shrek and he is an ogre who “farts” and “belches”. The acquisition of Pixar by Disney opens the doors to new ideas and new ways of practices. Disney needed it to revive its activity. Firstly, with Steve Jobs on the board of directors, opportunities have opened their doors to Disney: the company was able to operate on a new distribution channel for its different production and vice versa via iTunes, Steve Jobs was able to negotiate the sale of Disney content for its media playback through iTunes. Thus, Robert Iger, President and CEO of Disney Studios have authorized the sale of Disney TV series hits such as Desperate Housewives and Lost on iTunes service for iPod users. Furthermore, Disney has decided to broadcast some of its programs on the Internet in order to prevent the illegal downloading of its production.
Innovation holds a prominent place in Disney's strategy to differentiate itself from its fiercest competitors and offer more products to the consumer. From that culture of innovation is born a hybrid format: an edition

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