
516 mots 3 pages
Seller Finland |Rank |ADAPTATION |Buyer Brésil |Rank | |Small Power distance :
Hierarchy means an inequality of roles, established for convenience |46 |The Fin manager talk directly to the Brazilien manager and introduce his team in order to follow the hierarchy - Each speaker talks about his own area

|Long power distance :
Hierarchy means existential inequality. Subordinates expect to be told what to do |14 | |Individualism : Universalism, other people seen as potential resources |17 |Hierachy and collectivism are difficult to merge. However the group stay unified) - Common break during the negotiation to think about the strategy - Members talk to the whole team |Collectivism : Particularism, other people are seen as members of their group
Relationship prevails over task |26 | |Feminity : Assertiveness ridiculed, undersell yourself, stress on life quality, intuition |47 |The Brazilian’s team has detailled objectives and almost no contact with the other team. They’ve only talked about the negotiation elements) |Masculinity : Assertiveness appreciated, oversell yourself, stress on careers, decisiveness |27 | |Uncertainty avoidance : More formalization and standardization, emotional need for rules, written or unwritten |31-32 |Reactivity to the brazilian buyers change of position - Mutual aid between the different negotiators when one of them couldn’t handle the situation) - Everything were planned on the Fin side) - Minimum risks startegy |Uncertainty avoidance : Dislike of rules, written or unwritten, less formalization and standardization |21-22 | |Communication : High context, emphasis on the results, individual management of tasks, importance of the argumentation | |Communication only based on language. Little bit of body language to show the difficulties of the language) - No written documents

|Communication : People oriented, introductory activities traditions, low importance to not lose face. |

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