Façades, urbanisme et paysage urbain

422 mots 2 pages
façades, urbanism and urban landscape

PERNET Benoît, P2A

façades, urbanism and urban landscape


façades, urbanism and urban landscape Notions about the «landscape»:

organisation of forms horizon interpretation point of view

Definition/Origin of the «urban landscape» expression

façades, urbanism and urban landscape Opposition, contradiction between:

«landscape» // «urban landscape»

Definition/Origin of the «urban landscape» expression

façades, urbanism and urban landscape

VAN EYCK, La Vierge au Chancelier Rolin, 1435

QUENTIN METZYS, Le prêteur et sa femme, 1514

Definition/Origin of the «urban landscape» expression

façades, urbanism and urban landscape

Mindmapping around the expression «urban landscape»

façades, urbanism and urban landscape air/water pollution community cohesion inequalities in access incidental physical activity vulnerable population

source: UWE Bristol

source: OMS

Monitoring//health and urbanism

façades, urbanism and urban landscape

link community cohesion functions hybrid space

Monitoring//use of space in urbanism

façades, urbanism and urban landscape

Richard Estes
Photorealism and hyperrealism US

Leon Baptista Alberti
Perspective grid (1450)

Françoise Choay

Maryvonne Arnaud
Contemporary art

Monitoring//urbanism in art

façades, urbanism and urban landscape


façades, urbanism and urban landscape

Mindmapping around the word «façade»

façades, urbanism and urban landscape Criterions:

Confort (light, thermal, air, acoustic) Environmental concern (recycling material, energy economy) Demand of the location (climate, ground) Demand of the building ‘s use (function) Demand of the law (in architecture and urbanism)

Theory about the development of a façade

façades, urbanism and urban landscape

«What are the tendencies, functions and materials, that are intented to be applied in the future

en relation

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