Management gde

274 mots 2 pages
1. Are shocking campaigns good for a brand? Why? Why not?

Companies make advertising to be known with the public, to sell a product or just to communicate on the brand. They are different manners to communicate, and sometimes companies use shocking campaigns.
This communication has a really important effect on people, they are attracting by the campaign and, of this fact, it allows to develop the image of the brand. People hold the name of the brand, are interesting by their products or services. Most of the time, these campaigns have a strong impact on the public; make thinking and acting concerning people.
But, in other hand, campaigns that are really shocking can afraid or disgust some people. It can make a bad image for the brand.

117 words

2. Why do companies fund it necessary to develop customer loyalty?

All the companies have clients who it’s necessary to keep for a long time. In fact, with competition between firms, some of them can lose their clients, because they went in other companies with the same product. So, to face with this problem companies have to develop customer loyalty. It consists on make offers, promotions, so that the customer feels privileged and stays a client of the company.
Most of companies use this system, because it’s the best manner to preserve clients.
Of this fact, we assist in a really competition between companies today, which want all to attract customers largest number, and they propose more and more offers for their regular customers. They all know that it is the best means to keep a place on the market.


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