
1549 mots 7 pages
Cell Phones for everything

Phones with wires became wireless system by efforts of alternative searches of some countries like Sweden and Finland, has a hundred of kilometers of fiords and thousands of islands of northern Europe to overcome problem of managing cables. Then cellular phones have been introducing widely every passing day, impossible not to realize where it could be said that these glorious devices have a main role on our lives .The biggest advances in technology occur in cellular phone areas especially in last few years. While cell-phone is mentioned, we shouldn’t think it is a simple device for talking at a first tough anymore. Almost all new trend cell-phones reached to the level of Pocket PC’s and these devices are not only used for communication but also they have capability of basic skills of a computer, for example, with the help of any smart phone, one can play every type of Pocket PC games.
The first generations of mobile phones, developed with the help of circuit connected analog type of technology (ETACS), have started widespread from early 1990s to these days. However this type of technology did not endure for a long time and some later it was replaced with GSM (Global System Mobile) connected packet system technology. New generation networks have fully digital system based on GSM and voice traffic is controlled by the help of bit packages. In other words, firstly the talk is converted to a digital data and sent to the receiver. Data is, reached to the target, reformed again and converted into deductive language. Today, in all GSM networks this complex way is being used. The WAP, mentioned before in detail, is the short form of Wireless Application Protocol and represents the technology of internet connection by phone. Phone can display data and pictures on its small screen by this protocol. By the help of WAP supported phone everyone can reach any internet site easily. In fact protocol of WAP is similar to internet protocol but

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