Rapport de stage bericap

3773 mots 16 pages

First, I am going to thank the Technology Institute of Le Mans which allow students to do a work placement and which follow these ones abroad with lot of interest, especially Ms Gaigeôt and M. Rabadeux.

Also, I want to thank M. Todd (Engineer) to have trusted on me and given me a lot of attention; Ms Green (Shift leader) to have done a visit of the plant and explained me the organisation during the first week; M. Parker (Engineer) to have given me design projects; Ms Johnson (HR Officer) to have given me much information about my future stay here and fund me an accommodation; and obviously all the staff in this company who welcomed me and sometimes helped me in the shop when I was so confused.

Finally, I wish especially to thank my placement officer, M. Norman Ellison (Manufacturing Director) who accepted me for this internship and proposed me the topic.


Introduction……………………………………………………………………………page 3

I. Company’s presentation:

I. 1. International group……………………………………………………..page 4 I. 2. About BERICAP UK Ltd……………………………………………….page 5

II. Industrial placement’s mission:

II. 1. Study on Assembly 036.

II. 1. 1. Running of this machine………………………………………page 6 II. 1. 2. Take data on the machine……………………………………..page 8 II. 1. 3. Analyse and modification……………………………………..page 9 II. 1. 4. Verification of efficiency……………………………………...page 11

II. 2. Work instructions.

II. 2. 1. Purpose………………………………………………………...page 12 II. 2. 2. What was my work ……………………………………………page 12 II. 2. 3. Procedure of a Work Instruction……………………………….page 13

II. 3. Drawings on CAD (Computer Aided Design).

II. 3. 1. Presentation of Microsoft Visio®……………………………...page 14 II. 3. 2. Main work achieved……………………………………………page 15

II. 4. Study on Sport caps Assembly machines (expected).

III. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………….page 20

IV. Pictures table ……………………………………………………………….……page 21

V. Bibliography

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