
653 mots 3 pages
Topic 7

Fight Club and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest describe a state in which present day society has left us. This does not actually occur within the novels but is instead realized as something that has taken place gradually and imposed itself on our generation. Kesey's novel focuses primarily on the Combine as social pressures that result in the loss of one's manhood. Fight Club, being a more recent work, puts its main emphasis on a combination of corporate life and advertising.

Agree or disagree.

I agree with this point of view, because both books represent the way the society is made and how it affects people. Our generation grew up in a similar way and it might be important to change some of our methods because they are not the best. The state of our society is being forged on some bad things, it is very important to understand them to at least be able to try to make a change.

In One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Kesey’s shows how the Combine is really getting pressured by the hospital. You wonder if the patients are really ill and have mental disorders or if they are affected by outside factors as pressures from the social world. The combine is stated by Bromden as being a very mechanical outfit that controls everything. No one can say what they want or even do what they want; they have to go by the rules. This happens a lot in these types of situations; the patients stay silent and they suffer while the doctors or nurses hold somebody against their will with their power. There is also this issue with many people who do not have mental illness that are still being left in an institute and this mistake is often not seen by the authorities. The authorities will even misjudge the patients as you can see in the book with McMurphy; he does not show any mental disorder, he even seems to be a very intelligent man but he was dealt as a psychopath. Another problem is that many of us judge these people who might or might not have these illnesses. In

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