The ants

2849 mots 12 pages
Génie Biologique

The Ants :

« Hyper organized, representing over 10% of animal biomass, the equivalent of mankind, they are formed in supercolonies stretchingthousands of miles! «

That may be how qualified the largest terrestrial biomass. Appearedin more than 120 million years before our area - in descendingwasps appeared -200 000 000 years before humans - and probablywill persist after our extinction. They have colonized all continents,from the hottest desert to the steppes of Russia through therainforests; capable of the most impressive physical performance of the animal kingdom as carrying more than ten times its weight overseveral hundred meters - that amount for a man to bear five carswhile running a marathon ...
The ant is an insect belonging to the order Hymenoptera and Antclass divided into 12,000 species, ants live in colonies more or lessnumerous, mobile or based around a nest, carnivorous orgranivorous, but these are few differences, each colony, and like every other part of his organization, built around a queen mother ofthe colony, the remaining individuals are divided into several castesactivities well defined and different.
Like all insects, the anatomy of ants is divided into three parts:

-The head, the front end part comprising the central brain, most ofthe sense organs (eye, antenna) and the oral appliance.
-The thorax, the central part of the ant, it is divided into three partswhich each have a pair of legs
-The abdomen or gaster, rear end part contains the digestive system (especially the crop name), a venom gland and in sexual individuals, the reproductive system.

Whether in the current language or science, we often hear thatants, like bees or humans, form a corporation. But what is asociety? Defining this term is quite complicated because it is usedin multiple areas very different in our study we can summarize it this way, it is a group of people having a common life form, organizeand consistent

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