The fifth child worksheet 3

1894 mots 8 pages
WORKSHEET 3 The scene takes place in Harriet and David's home, first in their bedroom, cf l. 5-6: ”It's this room, I swear it's a baby-maker, l. 30: ”Harriet lay weeping on her bed ...” and l. 33: “He sat on his side of the bed...” and finally in the kitchen”, cf l.60: “She sat at the head of the table-the position near the stove-” Soon after they have bought their big Victorian House, Harriet is pregnant. She & David are going to announce her pregnancy when David's parents and Harriet's are reunited. They hardly dare to announce the arrival of the first baby. Frederick, Molly's husband, tells them they are mad and irresponsible to rush into parenthood. Later, they discuss with David's father and stepmother about the mansion. James approves of their decision; he thinks it's a good investment and not overpriced. Dorothy, H's mother, is more reticent concerning babies. She makes a difference between aristocrats, who can afford many children and a large house, and “middle” people, who have to be more careful because they will have to raise them correctly. Luke comes into the world, then Helen, Jane and finally Paul. The family is happy, although a Down's syndrome child was born into Sarah and Williams family. The extract can be divided into 3 parts: a) From the beginning to l. 22 “And she would be right.”: Harriet cannot manage without help after Dorothy's departure. b) From l. 23 “It will be easier ....” to l.44 “... washing up.”: D & H have an argument/ quarrel: Harriet insists that the whole family come for Xmas as usual whereas David thinks it costs too much; they also disagree on the fact that H cannot manage to keep any of the girls they hired for help. c) From l. 45 “Dorothy telephoned ...” down to the end : Although she feels she needs a break, Dorothy comes back to find her daughter is pregnant again, which she strongly disapproves of. The important event that takes

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