Télégraphe chappe

319 mots 2 pages
Communicate over long distances is not a recent problem.
Although other techniques have been invented, it remains the best Chappe.
Samuel Morse doesn’t really invent the telegraph because fifty years ago during the French revolution a scientist named Claude Chappe who had got the idea to use an original device. The device was composed on two arms connected by a cross. This device had got 196 positions which a signification in the alphabet. The operator observed the nearby tower using binoculars, this work required constant observation, there were two operators in each tower, they observed until sunset.

( As you can see on the picture: the arms the post of command the windows where the operator can see the nearby tower The towers can take different forms, square, round, pyramid, or the system can be mounted on a bell )

Understanding the advantage they chose to put many devices in France to deliver war information. But transmissions night with lamps on the arms (stems) failed. For exemple, Napoleon used this device to conveying information and coordinate his empire and his army over distances greater than any other army of the time.

( We used the same principle with hand-held flags in the Navy, the Trafalgar battle for exemple)

This picture show development of the telegraph Chappe in France.

This system was largely developed, in 1844, 534 towers were built on French territory connecting the major towns.
The device was imported in Algeria and Tunisia by the French, but this network also made appearance in Spain, Russia, China, Egypt, Germany. A network was built in the United Kingdom between London and and the South Coast.

But the invention of the electric telegraph declared the end of the Semaphore line.The electric telegraph was better being faster, doesn't require constant a observation. In 1846, on the french territory most lines were replaced.
Most of the other networks were replaced

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