What is your own idea of freedom ?

372 mots 2 pages
What exactly is freedom? Can you taste it, see it, reach out and touch it? The answer to these questions is no. However, if reflected upon, freedom can certainly be felt, not by the hands but by the emotion called feeling.The question remains how freedom is explainable with words.

What sort of restrictions come into focus is the direct result of activities that humans engage in. If the youth grows up hunting, for example, it seems easy for the adult to say, let's go hunting. The child grabs all the stuff necessary and is ready to fly out the door on an adventure. The adult has made all necessary preparations to do this activity, acquiring the license and checking the seasons, and other such rules that might apply. The child sees a fanciful adventure; the adult looks around to make sure all rules pertaining to the activity are being obeyed.
In nature, humans are born totally free, to do whatever comes to mind, without restrictions. These activities might include hunting, gathering, and other necessary activities to support life.
Civilizations place restrictions on activities to maintain some sort of control to avoid chaos
Freedom cannot be taken from the citizens in a Democratic society, such as ours. However, it seems activities can be regulated, and over-regulated, to the point that individuals feel cramped; and strain to exercise their natural right to do certain things. It goes against the natural instinct, for instance, to see a place of interest, only to see a sign that reads, no trespassing, keep out. Civilized people obey these types of signals because; such are the rights of property owners, to keep trespass to a minimum saving their right to privacy. As it stands in our modern situation these types of restrictions are everywhere. Everywhere can be seen signs that read, keep out, better not, don't, can't, and don't even think about it.
As the world shrinks from population growth, the restriction on activity seem to escalate proportionally. Where

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