
961 mots 4 pages
The Health Care in the united Kingdom

The social service increasingly develop during the 20th century in the United Kingdom. Healthcare in England is mainly provided by England's public health service, the National Health Service, that provides healthcare to all permanent residents of the United Kingdom that is free at the point of use and the finance comes mostly from general taxation (81 percent). There are charges associated with eye tests, dental care, prescriptions, and many aspects of personal care.

Since health is a devolved matter, there are differences with the provisions for healthcare elsewhere in the United Kingdom. Though the public system dominates healthcare provision in England as private health care and a wide variety of alternative and complementary treatments are available for those willing to pay. But

I) The background of the UK health care

Before the National Health Service was created in 1948, patients were generally required to pay for their health care. Free treatment was sometimes available from teaching hospitals and charity hospitals, such as the Royal Free Hospital. Some Local authorities operated local hospitals for local ratepayers (under a system originating with the Poor Law).

The London county council on 1 April 1930 took over from the abolished Metropolitan asylum Board responsibility for 140 hospitals, medical schools and other medical institutions; the Local Government Act 1929 also allowed the LCC to run services over and above those authorized by the Poor Law and in effect to provide medical treatment for everyone. By the outbreak of the Second World War, the LCC was running the largest public health service in Britain

Systems of Health insurance usually consisted of private schemes such as Friendly Societies. Under the National insurance Act 1911, introduced by David Lloyd George, a small amount was deducted from weekly wages, to which was added contributions from the

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