Carmen - what is lost and gained through onscreen adaptation.

1777 mots 8 pages
1. “In assessing a filmed adaptation of a given literary work, we have to consider both what is gained and what is lost in the transferral from one genre to another, from one audience to another.” Comment on this statement with reference to AT LEAST TWO films you have studied, giving close references to their source texts.


The nouvelle “Carmen” (1845) by Propser Mérimée is a short but sweet story of crime, forbidden romance, promiscuity and heart ache. The nouvelle is told by a nameless narrator who is out on a mission to learn more about the archaeology of different landscapes. During his short journey across the Cachena plain, he meets the notorious don José and is warned by his tour guide to stay clear of him. However, he ignores the advice and he shares a cigar, they bond. He learns that his guide has gone to inform the authorities of the sighting of don José, but the narrator decides to warn him so he can escape. The nouvelle continues when the narrator meets Carmen in Córdoba. Enticed by her allure, he returns to her apartment to have his fortune told and he meets don José once again and he’s led away from Carmen. Interestingly, the narrator again comes to meet don José, but in prison. He learns of how Carmen had once been a convict and was to be sent to jail by don José, but with her persuasiveness and her use of Basque, she convinces him to allow her to escape. This error results in José losing his authority and being jailed for a month. Once released, he is reunited with Carmen, but discovers she is already married. After a series of events, don José is told by Carmen that she no longer loves him; the torment proves too much for José which results in the death of Carmen by murder. The nouvelle was written in 1845, it was introduced into French culture at a time where the French view of romanticism in Andalucía was most positive and intrigued. The idea of ‘une bohème’, a flattering gypsy woman who was always

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