Civil rights movement

796 mots 4 pages
The history of the civil rights movement in the United States actually begins with the early efforts of the fledgling democracy.
1783 -- Massachusetts outlaws slavery within its borders.
1808 -- Importation of slaves banned; illegal slave trade continues.
1831 -- Nat Turner leads slave rebellion in Virginia; 57 whites killed; U.S. troops kill 100 slaves; Turner caught, tried and hanged.
1833 -- Oberlin College, first U.S. college to adopt co-education, is first to refuse to ban black students.
1850 -- Compromise of 1850 admits California into the union without slavery, strengthens Fugitive Slave Laws, and ends slave trade in Washington, D.C.
1861 -- Confederate States of America formed; Civil War begins.
1863 -- President Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation freeing "all slaves in areas still in rebellion."
1865 -- Civil War ends. 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, added to the Constitution.
1866 -- Ku Klux Klan formed in secrecy; disbands 1869-71; resurgence in 1915.
1870 -- 15th Amendment barring racial discrimination in voting added to Constitution.
1877 -- Henry O. Flipper becomes first black graduate of U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
1896 -- Supreme Court approves "separate but equal" segregation doctrine.
1906 -- Race riots in Atlanta; 21 dead, city under martial law.
1909 -- National Congress on the Negro convenes, leading to founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
1923 -- Oklahoma placed under martial law because of Ku Klux Klan activities.
1925 -- Ku Klux Klan marches on Washington.
1943 -- War contractors barred from racial discrimination. Riots in Harlem, Detroit.
1948 -- President Truman issues executive order outlawing segregation in U.S. military.
1954 -- U.S. Supreme Court declares school segregation unconstitutional in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka ruling.
1955 -- Rosa Parks refuses to move to the back of a Montgomery, Alabama, bus

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