Este documento es un fragmento de una novela corta que se titula "pregúntaselo a dios del libro "la isla contada" escrito por marylin bobes.

362 mots 2 pages
Has parity been achieved ?

Is equal between women and men always respected? We will see that progress on this parity has occurred but inequality still exists.
Parity between men and women has improved steadily from the late 18th century up to now thanks to the Bill of Rights of WomenDictionnaire - Afficher le dictionnaire passed in 1791. In Great Britain, in 1918, women over 30 were allowed to vote, in1928 women over 21 were given the right to vote,. and today more and more women have a job as well as their husbands. Then more and more husbands are performing tasks previously done by their wives. You can check this by looking at the parents who are fetching their children after school. Many fathers are now doing this.
However, much effort is still needed to achieve parity. Despite reforms and obvious improvement, women remain a minority in the work field. Haut du formulaire In most firms, the number of men greatly exceeds that of women and, this is more and more acute as you go up the hierarchy. And in the 2000s men still account for 86% of the world’s members of parliament

Finally, having passed laws has certainly changed something but the image of women in society still remains oriented towards housework. For instance, doll’s tea set and pushchair are for girls. is the image of the woman who cooks, who take care of children etc. ...) So from an early age the child sees a world where women do not work.
Lire phonétiquement
Dictionnaire - Afficher le dictionnaire 1. nom 1. finale 2. adjectif 2. final 3. ultimate 4. concluding 5. firm 3. adverbe 6. finally 7. ultimately 8. eventually 9. in the end 10. after all 11. utterly

Lire phonétiquement
Dictionnaire - Afficher le dictionnaire 1. conjonction 1. and

Lire phonétiquement
Dictionnaire - Afficher le dictionnaire 1. pronom 1. him 2. her
Traduction dans plus de 50

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