Faut-il travaillé pour etre humain

2607 mots 11 pages

Each sentence in this section has a word underlined. Under each sentence you will see four words marked a) b) c) and d). Choose the one word that is closest in meaning to the original word in the sentence. 1) Gold is a precious metal. a) valuable b) scarce c) favourite d) common He never presents his work correctly – it’s always sloppy. a) well laid-out b) untidy c) interesting d) highly personal She followed a strict diet and became slimmer in a few weeks. a) less agreeable b) more attractive c) fatter d) thinner Girls like to get dolled up if they’re going out to a party. a) dressed smartly b) heavily made up c) driven by their boyfriends d) invited in advance After a language course in Berlin, Elizabeth’s fluency in German increased. a) interest in b) indifference to c) control of d) hatred of We could go out for a walk later if the rain lets up. a) stays as it is b) stops c) becomes heavier d) allows us It’s a complicated situation, and we’re not sure of all the ramifications. a) consequences b) reasons c) complications d) administrative costs








If we want to sell our new product, we must sensitize the general public. a) warn b) educate c) turn off d) reflect Against the government forces, the rebels had no option but to surrender. a) find better weapons b) fight on c) give up d) regroup Look! The price has been reduced – it’s a real bargain. a) product imported from abroad b) expensive product c) waste of money d) good deal I was delighted to hear that you had passed your exam. a) very happy b) surprised c) astonished d) disappointed If someone doesn’t show pity, they are said to be heartless. a) ill b) compassionate c) cruel d) sympathetic During the university holidays, she worked as an intern in an advertising agency. a) trainee b) secretary c) saleswoman d) cleaner Dorothy’s a bit potty. She’s always doing the silliest things. a) friendly b) crazy c) thoughtless d)

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