Fiche de lecture classe européenne

1115 mots 5 pages
1) Describe the graphs . What is the trend ?
Today a minority of farmers or agricultural workers is managing a majority of space. The agricultural population is still decreasing.

1) What do all these Anglo-Saxon countries have in common ?
All these Anglo-Saxon countries are self-sufficient in nutritional terms. We can see it in the “Caloric supply per capita per day 2002” which is quite the same and high for the five (between 3.054 for the lowest and 3780 for the highest).
It describes the availability of food ; the access of consumers to affordable, nutritional and safe food.

2) Is food security guaranteed in these countries ?
What is food security ?
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.

No it is not guaranteed. The sustenance of its people is a basic objective of any nation. But no food supply system can ever be totally secure. It is dependent of the climate, the economical and political environment, diseases for animals. It’s hard to predict the future. The powerful agriculture has got limits due to its internal and external dependence.

3) What could threaten it ?

The threats are :
- Potential impacts of climate change on global food potential : higher temperature could lead to an increased number of generations per year which allows time for resistance build up and warmer winters could improve survival in resistant pest populations
- Diseases : for example blue tongue stuck disease with another disease (one that struck wheat for example) the combined effects could be disastrous (consequence of biochemical industry)
- The environmental effects of trends in global food production and distribution (it relies on the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides,

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