How do you feel about work ?

361 mots 2 pages
How do you feel about work ?

First of all, I think work is only a question of determination. If we really want to succeed, we do the best for it. Of course, it’s also a question of time and knowledge, but with a little effort, we can achieve good results.
We can classify work into various categories : there are those who work for others, like their parents, or their bosses because they must succeed. this category of people not working for herself but to show the results to others, because they are required to succeed.
There are those who only work for them because they want to integrate a great school, be promoted, make their dreams… And finally, there are those who just don’t work, because it doesn’t matter or simply because they’re suffering from what is called « procrastination ».
Procrastination refers to the act of putting off actions or tasks to a later time. There are two categories of procrastinators :
- The « relaxed procrastinators » view their responsibilities negatively and avoid them by directing energy into other tasks and
- The « tense-afraid » procrastinators », usually feeling uncertain. They are thought to have a lower-than-normal level of conscientiousness and they also have great difficulty in asking help or finding an understanding source of support.
I personally am a big procrastinator, but I always want to succeed so I start my work at the last moment and try to do my best…
Furthermore, I do not understand those who never work , have bad results and do nothing to improve. I just couldn’t be like that because I need to prove what I am capable, failing to give the best of myself.
Secondly, I really think that working is a question of time because I always come home late, it is already late when I start working and I do not often have time to finish my homework.
To conclude, we can say that in our society, working is an obligation, whatever its form.
If we don’t work, whether in primary, high school, college or

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