Is it important to succeed in school ?

260 mots 2 pages
Is it important for you to succeed in school ?

I. YES, it is important to succeed in school.

The idea of education is so that I will be prepared to survive in the “adult world”.

Probably the most obvious reason education is important is to acquire the basic knowledge needed to get by in everyday life.
English and language skills will help me to communicate my ideas more clearly. Communication skills are essential in any role (whether I am dealing with other workers, patients, customers, or supervisors, I will need to effectively convey my plans, ideas, goals, and such). Cooking, shopping, and many other activities that I do everyday require mathematic skills as well, regardless of my career choice.

In prehistoric times education included the use of weapons; the art of tracking; the art of concealment. All of these helped people hunt and find shelter in relative safety.
Nowadays we have a capitalist environment to survive in. This relies on the attainment of wealth. This helps me pay for shelter and food and clothing. The greater my income the fewer problems arise for gaining these items.

Many employers require college level education.

II. NO, it is not important to succeed in school.

Going to school doesn't automatically make me intelligent, nor does it measure my competency. If I am a good entrepeneur and I have street smarts, there are always ways. While Bill Gates does not have a degree, he is very well intelligent. Sometimes being in the right place at the right time can also help...

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