Jew colony in palestine territories

461 mots 2 pages
Jew colony in Palestine territories

Since 1967, Israel created populating colonies in Palestine territories and Arab occupied territories.

We have two kinds of colony :
 Big block of colonies : big population, generally living near to 1949’s borders. They are full of Tel-Aviv o Jerusalem suburbanites, generally right-wing people ( implantatios of Ariel and Ma’ale Adummim,...). This colonies are like a city with a population of 20 000 to 30 0000 inhabitants.
 Little ideoligical colonies : colons live in Palestine territories (not near to frontiers).
The colons are generally extremists. They are about ten inhabitants.

In 1979, the Council of Security condemned this colonization because this, don’t respect International Rights (the Fourth Geneve Agreement) and the United Nations resolutions.
In the resolution 446 of March 1979, the Council of Security considered Israel policy like outlaw and a serious barrier to a general and lasting peace in the Middle-East.
In spite of all the resolutions, the Commision did not obtain the cooperation of Israel government.
In the report of July 1979, the Commision explained the consequences of implantation policy of Israel in arabic society. Indeed this report shows the numerous consequences like the confiscation of lands and water ressources, the destruction of homes, the pression that Arabics people meet (pression to emigrate, moving) and the harmful modification of economy and social links.
The report of December 1979 of the Commision to the Council of Seurity, demonstrate that implantation policy of Israel continue to progress despite of the Council of Security’s decisions.
In a third report, the Commision confirm the conclusions of previous reports and shows that Israel worked natural ressources of occupied territories.
We can notice, this report was never be studied by the Council of Security.

According to the report which dealth with the situation of Human Right in Palestine territories presented in

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