Kit kat’s bar

1110 mots 5 pages
Nestle is a Swiss’ company with international presence in several countries, inside their policy is despite it has headquarter’s in Switzerland; It is to adapt its business to a different regional circumstances, situations and mentalities. The company wants by decentralizing operational responsibility to generate strength and flexibility, as a result people have a possibility to solve different problems and support the idea of the quest for new challenges in a local environment, decision makers can become in a key to success in each country. Largely policies and decisions concerning workers, products and marketing are define locally.
Nestlé’s Kit Kat bar is produced and commercialize in different countries, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Algeria, Germany, Canada, Japan, China, Malaysia, India, Egypt, Turkey, Venezuela, Spain, United Kingdom, Mexico and Bulgaria.
Kit Kat wants to become cultural, a global product. Publicity is for example oriented to people experience, it is more focused in describing feelings and emotions that a customer might experience through the product’s tasting, the brand is less focused in presented as a delicious creamy chocolate or the exquisite biscuit, etc. I found different examples on “” where customers relate product with feelings as it is the case in UK with enjoys some break time content, USA’s video with power, Indian’s video with love and Japan’s people send messages through Kit Kat chocolate.
The intension in UK’s advertisement is to emphasis on the slogan “Perfect Break”, this message invited people to stop working like a machine and enjoy of great break, happy time, and clients can then choose two potential scenarios at home or working.
In our Checkout advertisement, the person who works as a cashier takes a Kit Kat chocolate and start imagine in dream holiday, allows the consumer to engage with its product, and literally “have a break”. We can explain this scene as a positive

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