Les relations internationales de 1945 à 1991

454 mots 2 pages
Durée : 3 heures – Coefficient 4

Vous traiterez les questions dans l’ordre, en indiquant clairement leur numéro sur votre copie. Vous veillerez à
– faire précéder les citations de la mention de la ligne,
– composer des phrases complètes à chaque fois qu’il vous est demandé de rédiger la réponse.


1. Give the narrator’s name
2. a) When does the scene take place? b) What do the underlined pronouns refer to?
1. 'That 's only got to come from Wolverton.' line 23
2. 'They're bringing him from the house' line 25 c) In your own words, explain why the characters have gathered on that day. d) Describe the mood that prevails among the British people there. Justify your answer with four quotations from the text.

3. In the crowd, there are also American people. Give their names.
4. Describe the Americans' behaviour towards the group of British people. (40-50 words, 4 elements)
5. a) What is the general feeling towards the Americans? How does that feeling show? Use your own words. (40-50 words, 4 elements)

b) Focus on lines 31 to 33 and say how the protagonists react to that feeling. (2 elements) c) What in the historical context makes them think that they 'were on the same side as these guys' and that they 'were owed a little gratitude.'? (2 elements)

6. One British character doesn't have the same attitude towards the Americans as the others. a) What relationship does that character try to establish with them and how? (30 words, 3 elements) b) How does that character feel about the Americans? Pick out the sentence that best exemplifies that feeling.

7. a) Focus on Betty's words and reactions throughout the text. What do they reveal about her personality? (50 words, 3 elements)

b) What words spoken by another person reveal a similar reaction? c) Comment on Audrey's reaction to

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