Lol jqdbjdb

260 mots 2 pages
A page of my travel journal
Pheonix Arizona
Phoenix Arizona !! At last,I discover a town, with some cars, buildings, living people, animals.
I walked a long time before arriving here. I left New York in 3010 after The Big Eartquate which destroyed everything East of the Rocky Moutains.
I crossed woods, rivers, and unhappy landscapes. I was alone, except for my dog Rex. He helped me for hunting and I cooked.
Once, near Chicago, I even used my rifle to kill wild animals, wolves I suppose, or perhaps coyotes.
My dog and I have walked for months and months, in the rain, the cold, the snow, and the sunshine, in the terrible desert of Arizona.
During all this time, I didn’t see anybody and I began to feel alone and sad. I was tired because I couldn’t sleep quietly : I was scared by wild animals so I tried to set traps. But they didn’t work.
But now, I am in Pheonix, and I can call my sister who lives in Los Angeles.
« Me : Hello , my sister !
My sister : Jack, it’s you ?!
Me : Yes, yes it’s me.
My sister : There was a earthquake in East of the Rocky Mountains. How did you do to survive ?
Me : This day,I was saling alone and when I came back there was nothing left.
My sister : Wow ! You are a lucky man !
Me : Yes, I’ll be in Los Angeles tomorrow.
My sister : Ok, see you tomorrow !

It’s an incredible story, it’s my story !

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