Microsoft, privacy champion ?

587 mots 3 pages

I. Current situation.
II. Mains Companies position. • Microsoft
 • Google, Yahoo! • Apple
III. Who is responsible of this privacy disclosing ? • Users • Others
IV. Advertising, best way to use peronnal information. • Hypertargeted ads • Microsoft, two differents versions


I. Current Situation: The security of our private information on Internet is currently one of the most important subject. This security has always been put aside, priority was to build software to communicate and store data. This is going to change, since mains companies have more and more problems with the law. For exemple, the UE is inquiring about google to know if they respect the rules of protection of the privacy protection of the european internet users.
Companies want to know that information to build more attractive products, services, and advertisements. But do these companies do enough to keep that information safe ? And why do they keep information so long ? As google who annouced that they will delete cookies users after 24 months, why can’t they delete immediatly ? or simply not store them ?
Those worries should be exposed in Senate Judiciary Committee for the week of July 23 but it has been postponed until September or October. The Committee will ask executives from Google, Microsoft and Yahoo!

We will see now the posisition of these mains companies.

II. Mains Companies position. • Microsoft • Google, Yahoo! • Apple: The next version of Apple’s Mac OS X operating system called “Leopard” will include a feature called “Time Machine” which will give user the ability to continuously back up your files to a server on a corporate network or a hard disk drive. But users can specify files they want back up. This can give to the user a sort of control of the information he wants to save.

This leads us to see that the user can have a responsability about the privacy disclosing.

III. Who is responsible of this privacy

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