
305 mots 2 pages
nieuVenise is a city in the north-east of the Italia. It’s the capital of the region called Vénétie.
There are 270 000 inhabitants (with islands).
Venise is a very touristic city ! Each year, 22 millions of tourists visit this beautiful city. They come here because there are a lot of things to do like the carnival which is an old traditional party. During one month, people disentangle in the streets dressed with magnificent disguises.
Venise is famous for the river which crosses it : the Lagune. We can navigate on it in gondola. The gondola is a long black boat (10m), it’s the symbol of Venise.
Its most famous building is the Basilica saint Marc, built in 828 on the place saint Marc. This place is very know too because there are the tour of the clock, theatres and … a lot of pigeons !
They walk and run on the place but they are not afraid of tourists because people buy corn and give it to them.
What I like the most in Venise is the stroll in gondola, it’s soothing, like in a dream.
If you enjoy the good weather , the atmosphere of party, the Italian food and culture, you should go to Venise! This city is very welcoming! But if you hate when there are too many people, you shouldn’t go there because it’s very touristic, especially in the summer.
The funniest most incredible thing that ever happened to me was when I have give corn to a pigeon and he has climbed on my shoulder ! I have put him on the ground but he has returned on my shoulder. He has stayed on it during 10 minutes, it was very funny !
I’m sure you will enjoy yourself in Venise because people are very friendly and

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