
564 mots 3 pages
Omnipaint NV : Job enrichment in the quality control laboratory
Job enrichment definition:
• The attempt to make jobs more rewarding and less monotonous for the individual worker. Procedures used may include job enlargement (including more ... • An increase in the number of tasks that an employee performs and an increase in the control over those tasks. It is associated with the design of jobs and is an extension of job enlargement. • the provision of genuine and meaningful humanization of work (as opposed to low-level improvements). Based on the introduction of more varied, autonomous, and complete work tasks. • Job Enrichment is the addition to a job of tasks that increase the amount of employee control or responsibility. It is a vertical expansion of the job as opposed to the horizontal expansion of a job, which is called job enlargement. • Job enrichment in organizational development, human resources management, and organizational behavior, is the process of improving work processes and environments so they are more satisfying for employees. Many jobs are monotonous and unrewarding. ... enrichment
Job enlargement:
• An increase in the number of tasks that an employee performs. It is associated with the design of jobs to reduce employee dissatisfaction. • Job Enlargement is the horizontal expansion of a job. It involves the addition of tasks at the same level of skill and responsibility. It is done to keep workers from getting bored. It is different than job enrichment. • Job enlargement means increasing the scope of a job through extending the range of its duties and responsibilities. ...

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