Organisational systems

1572 mots 7 pages
I have a strong influence of my parents. I received an education not really strict but based on trust and respect. Those are two values that my parents transmit me. I am and always have been more influenced by my father. He works as a speech therapist in a neurology practice; he is great in his work, which makes it easy for him to like it. He influences me on the way that I want to be passionate about my work. He teaches me that it is the most important thing to do a good job. During my life, I always give a strong importance to relationships. I am a people person. I give priority to relationships before formal attitudes.
I have a strong sense of respect. I think that without respect we cannot have a healthy way of life.
People have to feel understood to enable them to fulfill their potential. Moreover they have to feel implicated in the goals of the company to be motivated.
In this way, we benefit from a strong internal flexibility and creativity. It is very important to bring changes due to the more and more evolving environment.
To show the importance of the employees work and to make them feeling that they are important and implicated in the firm, we have to thanks them for their work, encourage them to reach their objectives and congratulate them when they reach one. The organization of meetings between employees and managers is also a good way to implicate them in the life of the company. Brainstorming can be done in these meetings to know more about employees’ ideas or recommendations.
We also have to make them feeling independent. We have to give them freedom, with no real imposed schedule. We have to let a total access to the company information to show them that the company has a total trust to their employees.
To motivate them we have to give them fair incentives, promotions and rewards.
In this way people will be more implicated, more motivated and it will transform their compliance into commitment.

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