
3094 mots 13 pages

The psychoanalyst is either a psychiatrist or a psychologist by training, even someone who has advanced training in the humanities (philosophy, sociology ..) but meets the first requirement, or to have completed its own psychoanalysis.

One could define psychoanalysis as a psychotherapy, very long term (five to ten years), whose goal is to get the customer to minimize its unconscious processes to better understand the real motives of his comportments. By this approach the person hoping to become increasingly able to live freely.

This is typical of how the psychoanalyst to intervene, he does not place himself in direct interaction with his client. The client is asked to lie on a couch and express everything that comes to his mind. This is called the method of "free association". The psychoanalyst who is outside the field of vision of the customer, will sometimes interpret the statements reported by the client.

These are the main distinctions that can be compared to these various specialists. Other cards will follow to explain in more detail the important differences between the guidelines.

The psychiatrist is primarily a physician specializing in psychiatry, prepared to treat serious mental illness such, the schyzophrenia, manic depression, psychoses of various types etc

A psychologist, , is a mental health professional holding a Master of minimally psychology and part of the College of Psychologists

Being a psychologist-psychotherapist is another specialty in itself. It is possible to get inside a Masters in psychology counseling clinic, some basic training in psychotherapy

The psychologist-psychotherapist can intervene on the psychological problems of any kind, either personal, such as depression, personality disorders or with relationship issues as marital problems, the parent-child relationships and workplace . The psychologist-psychotherapist is qualified to be able to

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