Résumé de flying blind

1023 mots 5 pages
Prénom : ANGLAIS
A rendre le ……………………..
Destiné à ……………………….

« Flying Blind » is an article about pitfalls to avoid when companies entering a foreign market. He introduces this subject by the misadventure of General Motors. Indeed, the launch of the Chevrolet Nova of GM in South America, initial sales were poor due to a mere misnomer (“no va” literally translates as “it won’t go”) which could be easily avoided if GM had researched their market more effectively. A company has no right to make mistakes. Thus, it is very important to be interested in the cultural and linguistic differences of the markets on which it will sell its products or its services. This article speaks about pitfalls to avoid in the entry of companies on an overseas market to five stages.

The adaptation of a product for a specific market requires a meticulous preparation and a detailed research for the cultural lines of the region. It is important to prepare well this stage to avoid sales non-existent and to put in danger the reputation of the company. Indeed, the cultures and the behavior of the consumers of a country may be totally foreign to the other companies of another country. Indeed, the EU being henceforth a market of 500 million consumers, it represents a real challenge to the cultural and linguistic level because more and more people are more inclined to buy produced approached on their own language and taking into account of them preferences and cultural standards. It is thus extremely important to watch what any translation is up to date with the jargon of these last ones to avoid the awkward errors or to hurt. Moreover, regulations were set up in states that certain documents must be translated in the local language, 3di solutions is a company(society) of translation, the localization and the documentation which proposes solutions for the customers who are activated by the statutory

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