Retail marketing and logistics: marionnaud case

4303 mots 18 pages
I have chosen the French retailer Marionnaud because cosmetics industry is really important in France. Cosmetic industry includes "any product intended to come in contact with parts of the human body, with the aim to cleaning them, perfuming them, changing their appearance, protect, maintain in good condition or correcting body odors "(Code of Public Health, ArticleL.5131-1)
This is the 4th sector of the French economy through its trade balance (balance between exports and imports). It accounted for 6.9 billion Euros turnover in 2007 on the domestic market and 16.3 billion Euros on the world market.
The profits from this sector rose from 41 years without interruption. Its revenue is divided between exports (57%) and domestic (43%). In 2007, the cosmetics industry grew by 5.5% over2006.
Cosmetics and perfumery sector employs about 45 000 people not including employees of subcontractors and distributors. It represents approximately 0.27% of total employment in France.
In France, every person bugs an average of 205.45 Euros in perfumery, hygiene, beauty per year. This consumption is the 4th largest in the world behind the United States, Japan and Brazil. In 2008, it declined by 2.3% over one year 1, reflecting a price increase of 3.9% over the same period. Consumption via the internet has become fundamental in 2006; the French spent 700 million Euros on net cosmetics. Today, there were two very promising new trends: 4% of the market in 2007 and increases of 40% per year. Each day, the French but', on average, 525000 shampoos, 309000 health care products and specifics 157000 bottles of perfume(45000 for men).
(¬parfumerie-un-marche-qui-sent-bon-la-croissance-556.php, 2009)

Marionnaud is the Europe's largest perfumeries and cosmetics retailer; it is the latest addition to the A.S. Watson family. Its reputation is built upon trust, which has driven it to become the leading perfumery

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