Social networking

491 mots 2 pages
Social networking: a blessing or a curse?

For the past 10 years the phenomenon of social networking has spread and took over the youth. What is it? How does it work? What are its advantages and disadvantages? Everything that you should know about social network is explained in this article.
Networks get things done, whether it is sending a letter or calling your home, networks make it happen. To get from Rolle to Gstaad we need to see the network of roads that will get us there. We see that Rolle is connected to Lausanne, which is connected to Vevey, which is connected to Montreux, which is connected to Gstaad. Of course social networks can help us find jobs, meet new friends and find partners. It is simple, here is an example: Bobby is your friend and he knows Benjamin who knows Alexis who knows Kimberley who has a job for you; this is a network of people, a social network.
The problem with social networks in the real world is that most of the connections between people are hidden. Your network may have huge potential but it’s only as valuable as the people and the connections that you can see. This problem is being solved by some types of websites that helps you see connections that are hidden in the real world; here is how it works: you sign up for a free account and fill in your profile, then you look for people you know and when you find someone you click on a button that says “add as a friend”. When you do this, you and that person have a connection on the website that others can see because they are members of your network and you are member of theirs. So what is really good is that you can see whom your friends know and whom your friends of your friends know, you are no longer a stranger so you can contact them more easily. This solves a real world problem because your networks had hidden opportunities and social networking sites makes these connections between people visible, much like a map for a highway. They show you the network that can help you

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