Sujet expression écrite type bac (faute possible)

367 mots 2 pages
Expression écrite d’anglais

Sujet 1 : What qualities are required to be a good employed ? Explain your reasons.
The quality of the employed is a crucial factor to be hire. In this year the crisis provoke the increase of unemployed number. As a consequence recruiters are more exacting than for some years.
The qualities the more important various functions of the post, the executive must be diplomatic to handle the situation of conflict better. If he work in industry in must be very curious of new known in his domaine.
The workers must be clever, and conscientious. He should to know work In team.
To conclude the quality is always scrutinize before each appointment.

Sujet 2 : In your opinion, what is the role of pet in our modern society?
The pet was domesticated for many thousand years ago. He is actually use for work for example by the herdsman. He use as a weapon by a criminal, agent of security or the police force. He use finally use for the pleasure.
There are in France lot of dog, the dog is the pet the more domesticated by the human. He has lot of qualities, he permit to mellow the custom, is used for example in jail for experimentation.
To conclude the pet is very present in our country and they keep a role important in our society. ( 98 mots)

Sujet 3: Parent should give total freedom to their children. Do you agree?
The education is a sensible theme, lot of parent don’t know how educate their children. Some parent give too much freedom and other parent are a beautiful too much strict.
I think that the education must be adapted of the children old. The children always must to have a limitation.
If children have too much right, he might ask more and more right, he could begin disrespectful. These situations often produce in the adolescence.
When the children begin older, the parent should let him more freedom, if they don’t make that the children feel oneself depreciate: The society don’t make confident on him.
To conclude

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