Systeme de santé américain

3758 mots 16 pages
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
US policy and institutions
Prof. Dr. Bergmann

Health care System in USA


2) The health care system in America 2.1) The definition and the origins of the private American health care System 2.2) The costs of the American Welfare System 2.3) The organization of the health care system in USA

3) “ Sicko” Michael Moore’s Film 3.1) Testimonies of American people 3.2) A comparison between with the French healthcare system

4) New reforms of Obama 4.1) What are they? Who are against? Who are for the reforms? 4.2) Finally what did Obama?


6) Bibliography

1) Introduction

« La santé est le trésor le plus précieux et le plus facile à perdre ; c'est cependant le plus mal gardé. » “Health is the most precious treasure and the easiest thing to loose however we almost don’t take care of it” I think that this sentence is a good description of what Health is for Human being and that we – the governments, people and institutions- have to keep it.

Nowadays all developed countries benefit of a Welfare System. It’s one of the principal themes in politics. Every politic campaign will claim that it will be new reforms, new money, and that the health care system will be better. Politics assure that they will promote the basic well-being of individuals in need. Every day we hear that insurances will help you if you need help one day. But at the end I wonder if it’s really true? France, Germany, Canada, and all the USA provide us a health care system. But the question is how far they take care about us? There are a lot of different systems. A part of them are obligatory und public, others are obligatory and private, and others also are optional and private. May they have the same impact? Although, for most of developed countries, the health care system costs represent

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