The labour government

1382 mots 6 pages
To what extent the Labour government 1945-51 achieved a quiet revolution. In what respects were they a disappointment to themselves.

The Labour Government, with their massive victory in 1945, had important expectations for themselves and so did British Citizens. Already, before and during World War II it was felt that things should change in Britain. The conservative government wanted these important matters to return to normal, but it was not what the public wanted. This landslide victory was a fantastic opportunity to achieve the party’s objectives such as the full welfare State and nationalization, full employment and an open foreign policy based on cooperation with other countries with the idea of peace as a priority. But with these great expectations came some problems, the war had damaged Britain and the government faced important economic problems. The American economic help stopped, which did not help Britain. Labour managed to achieve many of its goals and objectives, but as they lost power in 1951, they were disappointed that they did not have any more time to achieve these objectives. To some extent, Labour managed to change Britain in many aspects, but when they lost in 1951, there was still rationing as there was during the war and there was still a housing shortage, a very important one despite the measures that Labour took.

One of the important objectives of Labour in 1945 was nationalization of several industries, and during the Labour government, they managed to nationalize a number of activities. It was felt that the state should have control over the most important industries, which would allow state planning and better conditions for the workers. The coal industry, which was very inefficient, was one of the first industries to be nationalized. Many coal mines were bought by the state from private owners. Another industry that was nationalized was the bank of England, which gave more power over the economy to the state. Then followed many

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