The main discoveries

550 mots 3 pages
The Main discoveries of 20th century

There is a lot to say about the discoveries of 1900 but first of all we have to say that all of them have improved our lives. In the entire 20th century we have discovered so many thinks that we wouldn’t even dream about like invention of the first zeppelin by count Ferdinand von Zeppelin (1900) or Albert Einstein with his theory of relativity (1905), First Helicopter (1907), Geiger counter (1908, short wave radio (1919), Insulin and the first 3D movie (1922), atomic bomb (1945), windows Microsoft invented (1985) and many many more. The innovations has been made in all camps: astronomy, biology, chemistry, computers, medicine and physic.
• First of all let’s see them separately beginning from astronomy . What is astronomy? It’s science that speaks about everything that happens in space and for that purpose we use artificial satellites. There are many kinds of satellites: communication satellites-are used to transfer tv signals and telephone calls all around the globe, weather satellites-used to predict the weather (they fly at 36.000km above the earth), navigation satellite-used by airplane’s or car’s gps systems and finally military satellites that are used mostly as spy satellites. In 1995 there were already 350 satellites flying around the earth.
• The most important find in biology is genetic engineering it’s technique used for the modification or manipulation of organisms through the processes of heredity and reproduction, in few words its very helpful in medicine, agriculture, science and industry.
One of the biggest steps in future that used this technique was cloning of the sheep called Dolly, but it’s mostly being used to make some kinds of plants more resistible for diseases or insects.
There are many people that are against it but nobody can deny that it has improved our lives.
•One of the most important medical discoveries was a Penicillin, discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming. It is used to cure the

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