Tips for your oral exam

453 mots 2 pages
A few tips to help you make your oral presentation
A good reading of the text is important.
Pay attention to the punctuation/ pronunciation of the phonemes/ intonation/ stressing of the words

The introduction
1- Give the source of the extract
“The passage I’m going to present is taken from the novel The Fifth Child by Doris Lessing. It was published in 1988.”
2- Make a brief summary of the novel.
3- Situate the passage in its context. (information about the plot at that stage of the novel/ what happened earlier in the text/ Give all the necessary information to allow the person you’re speaking to to understand the situation)
4- Say what the content of the passage is in 2 or 3 sentences.
“The passage is about…/ concerns… / deals with…/ describes…”
5- Then say what the interests of the text are. “Several interests stand out (se detachent) in this excerpt. First, then…/ When reading the passage, we’re inevitably struck by the atmosphere/ the contrast between…/ opposition… / what is of primary importance here is... the value of the text lies in…”
6- Say what your plan is.
“As a starting point, I shall examine…then…/ I’ll first consider the way in which DL treats…/ I will focus my attention on…”

The main points of interests of a text are usually: - the narrative technique - the psychological interest/ characters’ feelings - the setting/ the building up of the atmosphere - the literary influences (gothic/ horror fiction) - the incidents/ the events described in the text as crucial experiences - the underlying themes - the social criticism

Your transition must appear clearly.
Use linking words and avoid such sentences as “ then we have…” or “there is the theme of…”

Often refer to your text by giving the lines
p.214./ line 75/ in chapter 5/
I quote l.12/ this is exemplified l.12/ this is illustrated l. 12/ Then, this idea is echoed further down l.20, and it is emphasized/ stressed again l.23

Useful expressions

en relation

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