Why the fertility rates vary around the world

1270 mots 6 pages
Why the fertility rates vary around the world

What are the different population fertility rate
Crude Birth Rate: the number of births, per 1000 people in the population, per year .
General Fertility Rate: it is an index of the number of live births in a year dived by the number of women aged between 15 and 49.
Total Fertility rate: the average number of children born to a woman during her lifetime

They are different reasons for why the fertility rates is various around the world, I m going to put them into theme 1. Status of women (level of education) 2. Type of residence 3. Level of available health care 4. Cost for having children 5. Pressure from the government 6. Conclusion

I) The status of women (level of education)

The graph show that the women who have follow a completed secondary education have a lower fertility rate than the women who have completed a primary education or the women who do not have any education
It seems than women who had the opportunity to took the education have less children.
The women who have been educated might wish to go to university after they have completed any education cycle .If a women goes to university that will delay the aged when they will having children ,by delay the time the having children that also affect the number of children they can have in this certain amount of time
The later a woman marries, the fewer children she will likely have.
Also if they been educated they will know than they don’t need to have so many children.
Average, women marry or start a living in a stable union at the age of:
In the Africa continent 20 years old in the Europe continent 23 years old in the north America continent 23

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