Women in the workforce

708 mots 3 pages
Women in the workforce resume

During the victorian period, women represented already 15% of the total workforce but they worked because of necessity. They were restricted to lower paid, lower skilled and shorter term jobs for several reasons. First there were legal and cultural practices and religious and educational traditions. Then women depended economically upon men and so had a poor socio economic status. And finally a lot of universities refused women entering in certain domains that leaded to well paid and high status occupations.

But through the 20 th century, opinion’s changed as the workforce moved to office job and women acquired a better education because of a civil war. In 1914, the World War I allows women entering in the workforce because there was a high demand of production in Europe. World War II had a similar impact but at a very higher level. On one hand, thousands of women joined the military in non combative positions and were paid like men on the same job. On the other hand, they could take of 16 million jobs left by men gone to fight in Europe.

So the women’s entry in the workforce can be break down into four stages. The first is the Independent female worker era and starts between the late 19th to the 1920s. Young women generally stopped working after getting married. They had no learning and held teaching or clerical positions. The second phase is called the transition era and encompasses the time between 1930 and 1950. Women left the workforce less and less, there was a high demand for clerical positions and women began acquiring steady jobs thanks to their leading.
The third phase, the roots of the revolution, during from 1950 to 1970 shows the begin of a great change. Women had expectation of future employment, they thought about going to college, working through marriage and even attending graduate school. The level of women’s participation grew a lot.
The last phase

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