A perfect match a nelson

17719 mots 71 pages
4. Health issues

p. 82-105
2. The upper part of the photograph shows the red ribbon usually associated with campaigns to fight AIDS. There is a quote written below the ribbon as well as the source of the quote. It’s the declaration of commitment adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2001. 3. • Le professeur peut confier cette tâche à un groupe qu’il équipe d’un ordinateur (en classe si la chose est possible, sinon ce groupe peut être envoyé au CDI) ; il dispose des quinze minutes habituelles pour réaliser la tâche. • Si le recours à Internet posait problème, voici des informations provenant d’un site très sérieux (voir adresse ci-dessous). Le groupe désigné en extraira le matériau pour répondre à la question. In 1988, a group called Visual AIDS was founded by arts professionals as a response to the effects of AIDS on the arts community and as a way of organizing artists, arts institutions, and arts audiences towards direct action on AIDS. Three years later, in 1991, some of the Visual AIDS artists came together to design a visual symbol to demonstrate compassion for people living with HIV and their care givers. Inspired by the yellow ribbons honoring American soldiers serving in the Gulf war, the artists chose to create a red ribbon to symbolize support and solidarity for people living with HIV and to remember those who have died from AIDS-related illnesses. The color red was chosen for its, “connection to blood and the idea of passion – not only anger, but love, like a valentine,” the Project founders say. The project was to become known as the Red Ribbon Project. (http://www.unaids.org) 4. It aims to remind people that the battle against AIDS has not been won yet, and that respecting people with HIV is crucial in this battle. Team 3 Fiche 4/83/3 A. 1. It is a poster for a movie entitled Sicko, whose director, Michael Moore, is shown in the centre of the photograph. 2. The scene takes place in a doctor’s waiting-room. The central character is staring

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