Civilisation britannique cm 2ème année lea

1340 mots 6 pages
CM civilisation anglaise 3/11/2010

• Queen= warrant of the constitution/ institutions • prerogative of mercy and immunity (Barmherzigkeit und Sicherheit) • Queen delivers parliamentary speech written by the Prime Minister • Queen can open and dissolve the Parliament • always guided by the government, all action are taken in her name • ensures the symbolical unity of the country • custom/ tradition is always above the written word ( safeguard of Britain • commander and chief of the armed forces of the Crown ( moral safeguard against any abuse

3rd part: the Royal Family’s Actual Role • social role, they do what the government cannot do (social part in UK is reduced) • represent the country = 1st role , e.g. inaugurations • to be physically present in Britain + abroad, representing Britain outside • take care of the different charities they have to manage, Queen patronizes 600 charities, about 120 million pounds, e.g. Charles’ foundations ( dignified part/role (mediatic ??? role of the Crown) vs. efficient part/role (Parliament, political actions)

Future of monarchy OPPONENTS SAY: • huge costs • really questioned after the oil crisis and when Margaret Thatcher was empowered (1970/1980) • reaction of the Queen: • new creature Diana, 1981 marriage: glamorous+ diverted image of the monarchy ( DIGNIFIED PART EMPHASIZED • today, monarchy is not questioned anymore

PRIVY COUNCIL (Geheimrat, Staatsrat) • consists of the Right Honourable People (e.g. Thatcher), vestige of the ancient King’s Council, no power/function ( shows that the prerogative powers of the Queen are respected ( checks that the Queen is doing her job properly • Britain = blend of tradition and modernism

Voting day is a working day from 7am-11pm ( ensures that everybody can

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