Devoir Oral 2 Anglais

634 mots 3 pages
BTS Commerce international – 1re année

Charlotte Nacher

Devoir 2
2 96AC DV WB 02 13

Devoir 2 oral
Voici votre premier devoir oral. Pour le réaliser, consultez la page d’accueil de l’onglet
« Devoirs ». Seules les 2 parties Évaluation sont à réaliser avec votre correcteur en une seule fois par téléphone.

Document audio en Langue Vivante Étrangère
Cross-cultural relations

Exercices d’aide à la compréhension
Exercice 1
Compréhension générale :
Écoutez l’enregistrement en prenant quelques notes. Ensuite, répondez aux questions suivantes.
1. What type of document is the recording?
2. Where does it take place and who are the people involved?
3. What is the general subject?

Exercice 2
Compréhension détaillée :
Écoutez la Partie I et répondez aux questions suivantes.
1. Why has Mr Martin been asked to speak to this particular group?
2. Describe Mr. Martin’s job, his opinion of it, his personal background and where and how he has worked. 3. What factors in the past decades have changed business worldwide?
4. What specific difficulties has the speaker encountered distance-working?
Écoutez la Partie II et répondez aux questions suivantes.
1. How has the global market changed business management and Leadership?
2. Describe the standard business model adopted by the best-performing multinationals. How has it evolved? What does the system of management resemble?
3. What specific characteristics do such companies have in order to be competitive?
4. To what extent does an average company follow this international model?
5. What activity must remain local to be successful in another country?
6. Why are serious market studies necessary? What examples are given?

2 96AC DV WB 02


Devoir 2

Écoutez la Partie III et répondez aux questions suivantes.
1. How should employees prepare for doing business in another country? What do they need to check out before going?
2. Describe some of the differences concerning corporate culture as far as

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