Dossier sur la police

308 mots 2 pages
This position performs investigative and general police work involving the protection of life and property, apprehension of criminal offenders, enforcement of laws and ordinances, and the preservation of peace. Work normally involves patrol, investigation, and traffic enforcement
Salary:4270 to 60200
As a police officer you will be depended upon to do many jobs for the community ACCOUNTANT
Analyze financial information and prepare financial reports to determine or maintain record of assets, liabilities, profit and loss, tax liability, or other financial activities within an organization.
Salary :$10,000 - $30,000
You have to examine all the income and outcome of the society or person and be précised so you can miss because the fault going to be on you
At the beginning you don t win a lot of money

The infantry is on the front line of national defense. During times of war, infantry soldiers are deployed to capture or destroy enemy forces on the ground and to repel enemy invasions. Planning and leading the troops are infantry officers. Both play crucial roles in combat. To get prepared for combat, infantry officers and soldiers eat, sleep, and work outdoors during training. They are pushed to their limit, both physically and mentally so your responsibility is to be in good shape and ready mentally as physically
For a basic E-1 your salary will b e at the entry wave around:15.000 and 16.000 $ per year It change your mind and apport a lot to own self
But it can be dangerous and you can miss your life a

en relation

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