English book

864 mots 4 pages
2ndes - Test on New York City (22 / 10 / 2010) - Corrigé

A1. Find the following English words in the text for: (8 points)

|a) situation géographique |location |b) embouchure |the mouth |
|c) arrondissement |district / borough |d) île |island |
|e) Néerlandais |Dutch |f) quartier, voisinage |neighbourhood |
|g) s’installer |to settle |h) Juif |Jew |
|i) gratte-ciel |a skyscraper |j) la Bourse |the Stock Exchange |
|k) attentat |a terrorist attack |l) filmer (à l’infinitif, SVP) |to shoot |
|m) trouver son chemin |to find your way |n) grille |a grid system |
|o) sud-est (adjectif) |south-eastern |p) taxi |a cab (PAS taxi !) |

2. What was New York’s original name in the 17th century? New Amsterdam (0.5)
3. What is its nickname today? The Big Apple (0.5)
4. Pick out the names of the five New York boroughs.
The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island (2.5)
5. Name the 3 rivers which surround Manhattan. Hudson, Harlem, East (1.5)
6. Who were the very first inhabitants of Manhattan? The Indians (0.5)
7. When and how did New York become British? In 1664, they captured the colony (1)
8. Right or Wrong?: New York is an English-speaking mono-cultural city. Justify by quoting at least (au moins) 8

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