Le duster marron

516 mots 3 pages
The 5 Senses: Taste, Sight, Smell, Hearing, Touch.
1. Sight:
Everyone is supposed to be sensitive to the red color which the most visible one even if “red” means prohibition is the everyday life.
However let’s situate ourselves in a marketing context. We can notice that red can be “aggressive” and can be used to break through the rest of the goods to attract customers to bargain prices. Besides it generally known that red cars cost more to their owned because of their insurance company free.
Yellow is also used to mention bargain prices but as billboards written in red
Green in associated with bio market
White is connected with purity, hygiene, dairy products, washing-machines, linen.
Black is generally devoted to high technology, connected with seriousness and lifespan, which also leads to high prices.
2. Smell:
Every department has its own odour corresponding to the products that are sold this is somewhat quite reassuring, products themselves naturally impose their own environmental odour you can’t modify-unlike colors that are chosen by the marketing developers to create an atmosphere.
Creating an artificial atmosphere to incite people to buy at certain times of the day:
From 10 to 12a.m, roast chickens that are being cooked in front of you can incite you to buy as you are in the situation of looking for an idea for lunch time.
After lunch you can be unconsciously directed to the bakery department.
As far as vegetables are concerned, they can’t be differentiated trough their odour as they are gathered in the same department.
3. Touch
Vegetables, fruits, meat, cheese, textiles, shape, materials, packaging, furniture, high technology.
Food: To check how fresh it is
Clothing: material, quality, shape
Ergonomics: how the item suits to the user
Cell phones: how it is convenient
High-technology: materials (pleasant or not, reliable…), what for? , how it is useful, safety. 4. Taste: How is it possible to “taste” products in supermarkets?

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