Les infections urinaires marché médecines alternatives

5489 mots 22 pages

Les infections urinaires
Dossier Marché des Médecines Alternatives
DEVAUX Arielle GARNIER Tiphaine HASCOAT Margaux LORRIAUX Emmanuelle 2011

Professeur référant : M. Bureau Loic


Traditional medicine offers treatments against cystitis, urinary tract infection very common in women. Also, there are alternative methods such as herbal medicine, dietary supplements or homeopathy to fight against the symptoms. In this case, we will develop these three methods through the use of bearberry for herbal medicine, Cranberry for dietary supplements, and finally based on extracts of fly blister beetles, the homeopathic treatment. Each product has been studied on a statutory scientific and marketing way: Arkogélules Bearberry of Arkopharma ® for herbal medicines, URIFORM ® as a dietary supplement and Cantharis vesicatoria of Homeopathy Lab. These treatments, known to actions, are not always scientifically proven and are not subject to the same laws. This study will allow us to compare these alternative medicines and make our recommendations.


Le Marché des Médecines Alternatives

Table des matières

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... 2 I. 1. 2. 3. 4. II. 1. 2. 3. III. 1. 2. 3. 4. IV. COMPLEMENT ALIMENTAIRE : URIFORM® par le laboratoire LRN ....................... 4 Qu’est-ce qu’un complément alimentaire ? .................................................................... 4 Réglementation ............................................................................................................... 5 Qu’est-que URIFORM® et comment agit-il de manière scientifique ? ......................... 5 Marketing ........................................................................................................................ 6 LA PHYTOTHERAPIE

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