Multicultrualisme par d.cameron

608 mots 3 pages

After the speech of Angela Merkel last year about the failure of multiculturalism in Germany, the debate on the French national identity launched by Nicolas Sarkozy, henceforth it is David Cameron who gave a speech in Munich at the security conference about Muslim integration and British values. Europe seems to be hit by concerns about immigration and integration. Since the attacks in the subway in London in July 2005, Great Britain feels very concerned about extremist islam, and these recents statements mark an important swift in the british policy towards ethnical and religious minorities. It is the gist of this article entitled « Muscle vs Multiculturalism » written on February 10th by Bagehot, the famous columnist of the weekly magazine The Economist.

I. The end of multiculturalism.
→ he lay the emphasis on the consequences of this doctrine
« state multiculturalism had encouraged.. »L. 6 He qualified multiculturalism of « failed policies of the past » L. 23

II. A new means to integrate minorities.

III.His plans isa muddle faced with critiscism.


By definition a democratic society must treat all members as equals and be part of the fulfilement of each individual identity. Multiculturalism is a doctrin which was introduced by the Labour party in the 1960s to face the waves of immigrants coming from the former colonial empire. Multiculturalism praises ethnic, religious and cultural differences. For example, holidays and religious schools were encouraged. Recognition of cultural sépcificités enable individuals to build their identity freely
→we can wonder if the Democracy Must promote a mainstream culture culture or to get by with all.

Multiculturalism represents all the institutions that manage cultural diversity. Political liberalism has recognized fundamental rights like the right to life, right to freedom of expression and religion.
A liberal society should be able of respecting diversity.

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