Origine gastronomie asiatique

1055 mots 5 pages
The Asian soul through the gastronomy

Asian cooking is related to the society, the philosophy and medicine. The Yin and Yang are the search for the harmony which governs the asian univers.
This harmony is as much at the base of creation in the details of our everybody as it is very important to understand the bases of the Yin yang to grasp (saisir) the complexity of the Asian cuisine.

Chinese philosophy operates on the principals of five.
1ST There are the 5 elements, resulting from the yin yang harmony (wood, metal, water, earth and fire). Ones combined these elements blends in with the 5 oceans and the 5 continents.

Harmony between oceans and continents will result in the 5 basic cereals which nourish human beings

Then in man there are 5 vital bodies (the liver (foi) the cheat the lungs (poumons) the stomac the kidneys (reins)

Those vital organs generate the 5 directions, that is to say; the sight (la vue) the sense of smell, the hearing, the taste and the touch.

To satisfy them there are the asian food five savours acid sweetness chilli salt and bitter (amer).

Well balanced meal in asia include these five savours whose harmony gives satisfaction to body and soul (âme) there must be as much as salt as sugar in each dish.

The vegetables bring a bitter taste to clean our blood and the texture is very important. There are five textures which are complementary to the 5 savours. There are the texture of being soft rubbery crunching (crocant) hard and crusty.

Not only do the meals have these ingredients but also they must be highly decorated in their presentation. The colours naturally reflect the yin and yang principal.

In the asian cooking the art of cutting food is very important. All of food is cut in equal size which takes more times to prepare than the other cooking style but on the other hand it reduces the cooking time.

A simply everyday meal consists of four dishes of which they must be the soup and a vegetable.

If two

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